The Importance Of Keeping Your Identity Outside Of Being A Mom

It’s too easy to kick your identity outside of being a mom to the curb. Do you have an identity outside of being a mom? I see handfuls of moms “lose themselves” whether it’s physically or mentally.

How does that even happen?

I love being a mother. I do. But I always said I will not lose who I am as an individual.

I wear many hats as I’m sure you do too. Obviously my baby is my number one priority in life but in order for me to be the best mom for my daughter I must focus on continuing to remain true to myself  and my identity from before I was a mom. Who am I besides “mommy“? Well that’s easy. I’m me. I’m still Morgan. Just different. My life is absolutely grand. Don’t get me wrong, my days are long and full of wet diapers, mountains of poop, tears, giggles, naps, endless bottles and endless laundry. But the best of all is that new baby smell that fills my nose all day long. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love my daughter more than I love myself. I will always put her first, but at the same time I do at least one thing for myself daily.  I have to, otherwise I’d lose my marbles.

Even if it’s only 10 minutes out of my small 24 hour window, I find the time. At first I wasn’t sure how, it’s been a process of self-discovery really. You think maybe it’s hard to manage and have a balance because now you’re solely relied on by a tiny human who is otherwise helpless. Well you’re right, it can be hard, it is hard. Maybe you’re thinking “oh God what have I signed up for?” Ladies, you signed up for one of the most remarkable and meaningful parts of life – motherhood

What is your passion outside of being a boss mom? And how did you figure it out?

How to not lose your identity you may ask? Don’t let go of your habits and obsessions that interested you before. And it’s probably easier said than done but make sure you also get enough sleep. It’s so important. 

How do I do it?

Yes, somedays I have “lazy days” but most days I try to have my hair and makeup done. I like to be cozy but I still love picking out cute outfits and looking good for my man. He won’t say it because he says I look great either way but I know he appreciates the effort. And I always find time to write. Whether it’s on here or in my journal. Or read a chapter in my book since I’ve always been a bookworm. Keeping my mind focused on creative thinking helps keep me sane and clear thinking for my baby.

Other hobbies or areas of passion of mine include caring for my plants and my animals. And I love to go thrifting, listening to music and I appreciate a good beer. I’ve become the dreaded “beer snob.”  

Motherhood is my sole identity but not my only identity because I am more than a mom. I’m an individual who’s interesting, funny, unique and creative.

It’s important to not lose your self love because one day your children will grow up and you wouldn’t want to be lost or not knowing what to do with yourself, so give yourself a head start and love yourself and be you always.


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