All of our bodies are strong; All of our births matter. 

April is C-Section Awareness Month. But every month should be. In fact every day, every month, every woman everywhere should be praised for creating and bringing a child into this world. No matter how it was done. All moms are strong and all moms are beautiful. I am so sick of mothers being shamed for this and moms being shamed for that. Right down to the T women are being shamed now more than ever on how they’ve given birth. And 100% of the time it’s always by other woman. Why? We are all equal.

C Section Awareness

The other night I was reading an article about labor (I just can’t help myself at this point ha-ha!) and the snippet about vaginal birth was entitled “normal birth.” WHAT. WTF. There is no such thing as a “normal birth” anyways. Everyone’s birth process is so different. “Normal birth”… that struck a huge nerve within me. Vaginal birth or cesarean birth, we are all female warriors. It’s not a contest. Yeah my vagina got destroyed when I pushed out my baby but so did their abdomen when they were sliced open to have the doctors pull out the baby.

Vaginal birth should be called just that and not a “natural birth” or a “normal birth.” So the women who have had a C-section birth(s) were unnatural? That’s purely inconsiderate and plain stupid to assume.

Yes vaginal birth is super intense because you tear from your vagina straight to your butt, which is engulfed in hemorrhoids. But hello! A cesarean is major surgery. Doctors literally take out a handful of your organs and pile them up on a table to deliver the baby. This surgery can end in infection, blood clots and a fierce lasting pain / sensation. My mother delivered me vaginally but my sister was a footling breech so my mom had to have a cesarean. 18 years later her scar is still sensitive and if you run your hand over it she said the area always gets numb.

Women who have had a C-section are not “lucky” because they “forewent labor”. They did not take the easy way out. They too very much gave birth. They are just as strong as a mom who gave vaginal birth. We are all strong.

In honor of April being C-section awareness month I felt a huge need to make a post to honor those who have.

I support all women and think no matter how you gave birth we’re all champions, and so should you.

Our babies are all beautiful. All of our bodies are strong. All of our births matter.