Running Late Is My Cardio



I am on my own schedule but really I am on the baby’s schedule. Our schedule really… which I guess still revolves around her. Whatever works. Lately I’ve been trying to be a boss mom, whatever that means. Through my “soul searching” I’ve realized I need to work on our time management. Well my time management. Growing up I was always taught to be on time is to be early. I was always annoyingly on time. Always. Before I became a stay-at-home-mom my job required me to be there for 7am, so 645am there I am pulling into the parking lot. My boss would get annoyed and say “Jesus Morgan why don’t you come in for 730?” so finally 7am there I was “on time” ready to work. I loved going in and making lists and getting stuff done, I felt so accomplished. Smart man my boss was, tricking me to not be early. Even nine months pregnant and sleepy as could be I would still be early and eager to work.. and managed to get Dunkin on the way. So I have fantastic work ethic and am a freak about time and being late – shoot me. I liked to make the most of my day.

When my baby was born I realized I needed to slow down – physically and mentally, for her and myself. I was still my normal self but family members, friends, my OBGYN all told me to basically take a chill pill. But maybe I’ve gotten to comfortable with that fact?

Most days we’re home but we’re on a schedule (for the most part). Getting ourselves into a routine was the best thing that I could have done for us. Granted days change and life happens. Errands, surprise naps, visiting friends and families, etc. everything can’t be the same everyday. So on days like that… I need to lean towards my old self.. the one who was annoyingly on time. Say we have a doctors appointment or a reservation, that’s different, we’re on time because I feel too nervous to be even one minute late. So what’s different with my family/friends and other things I need to get done? I still like to make the most of my day and feel accomplished but maybe my priorities aren’t in line? But maybe they are?

To be honest (and maybe it sounds like an excuse) but at my old job specifically I was working 60 hours a week. 60!!!! At minimum. There were weeks were I would work over 70 hours, and I was pregnant mind you!!! Since I am no longer working for the time being it’s like I feel like I deserve to sit back and enjoy life. Like it’s okay to really sweat the small stuff. I just want to enjoy my baby, my mom, my new friends, my dog, my cats, my tortoise, my freedom. I want to do things on my own time I guess?

Meeting friends, going grocery shopping, preparing dinner…sometimes I just find the day passing by too quickly and I’m not getting done what I need to get done… at least not as timely as I’d like. I don’t mean for it to happen that way. I swear. I have the upmost respect for other peoples time.  I’m very organized as to where I need to go or what I need to do but I’m not doing too well with my time management.

I’m not even doing much some days but I feel like I’m all over the place. Why? Help?

Love, diaper changes, food, cuddles, sleep, play – babies needs aren’t that difficult. In fact they’re so simple. Now that she’s on her way to being five months old she’s not too unpredictable. But life happens. We get those unexpected spit ups that are in need of an instant change, we get a cranky ass baby who doesn’t even know why she’s cranky but she wants to be left alone. The poops that are so bad that they explode all up her front and her back, pee through the clothes, you know the average baby stuff. It doesn’t seem like much but every set back adds up and by the time I’m done I just feel defeated and want to hang out with my baby, to take it easy. I don’t have the energy anymore to pick up or do whatever else household chore. Am I alone here? Don’t I deserve to kick it?

What I really need to work on is maybe waking up before my baby in the morning so I can get ready or perhaps get things done around the house before she’s up and needing me . But she’s a morning person and gets up early and lucky me, throughout the day she refuses to nap! Although lately we’ve been working on midmorning naps in her crib. We’re getting there! She goes to bed at 7pm on the dot every night…that kid lalalaloves her bedtime. I do too but I need to work on going to bed earlier. But once she’s down for the night is when I get to spend time with my fiance, or read, catch up on my programs, write my blog posts and more. It’s “me” time that I so desperately refuse to give up.

But I need to find a happy medium.

Am I even making sense here? Can any mommas relate? Tips? Advice? Hit me with your best words of wisdom. Thank you in advance, much love all ❤