Sticks & Bones May Break Their Bones, But Words Can Do The Same.

As a parent but especially as a mom I have a bunch of (probably mostly irrational) fears when it comes to my daughter. Hell she was in my womb for nine full months. I literally grew her from scratch. I want to protect that child from the bottom of her feet to the top of her little head. And all of that in between. Including her brain and most importantly her heart. I will do all that I can to make sure she’s not in harms way. And if she does find herself in harms way, I intend to raise her strong so she can deal with it in a healthy manner. What I’m fearing as a mom I know is normal… and what a good parent should be feeling. I worry about kidnapping, car accidents, chocking, their overall health, etc. What uneases me the most though is bullying. I am beyond terrified that my daughter will face bullying as I did. I wouldn’t wish that pain and defeat even on the kids who bullied me. So to imagine my daughter having the same thing happen to her. I want to cry. Ugh so many shivers go down my spine. I tear at just the thought of it. My baby is only four months old but as we know time flies and sooner than later my daughter will be in school and I’ll have to worry of the taunting from other children. Great. As we all know kids can be so cruel. SO CRUEL. How do we fix this? How do I prepare my daughter to potentially have to deal with this? I’ll tell you one thing… it all starts at home so that’s exactly what I’ll do. My dear sweet Maxly, I hope mommy teaches you to love yourself and love others. About confidence. I hope I prepare you well my darling girl.


My daughter has Abortive Hemangioma on the bottom of her hand throughout her arm where her forearm meets. Also known as a “strawberry.” I know she was born beautiful and I know this mark truly does make her more unique but sadly I also know because of this birthmark, it makes her more apt to be bullied. As I stated earlier, even though she is only four months old I talk to her about her strawberry everyday and will continue to do so everyday. The doctor says it’ll grow with her and she’ll eventually grow out of it but that could take five to ten years. Doesn’t really narrow it down for me there, thanks doc. Her father and I, and our other family members and close family friends will always let her know how beautiful it/she is and she will learn it embrace her mark and realize it truly is a beauty mark. Even putting this aside I still fear children will find other things to pick on her for. Its inevitable. Kids will find ANYTHING to jeer at others.

I was picked on throughout my days of childhood and teenage years but 5th grade and my senior year of high school were the absolute worst. I am just glad I had a strong and loving family behind me and was raised with love, self love, self confidence and forgiveness because if not I might have become another statistic.

I would define a bully as a person, no matter what age, who takes their anger, emotions and / or insecurities out on someone else, usually someone “weaker” than them. I don’t think people crying bully too often – but I could add in that the term itself can be black and white for sure, but each case of “bullying” should be treated with care and individually. I don’t think it’s fair for people to think one person is more or less of a victim than someone else because I was a victim too.

Bullying is a real crises. It’s not just a made up game that people like to “invent.” People think bullying is “crying wolf” and to me that’s mind boggling. I fear that bullying will only get worse as the years go on. It starts at home. Bullying is taught at home but so is dealing with a bully. Your parents are your first teachers. First it starts with having a good home. A loving home. A supportive home. You need to have a home of values, patience and understanding. Teach your child compassion and to treat all others with kindness. Build them up so they’ll too want to build up themselves others! Bullies are usually bullied themselves, or they were raised to think they don’t have to be held accountable for anything. I will not raise my daughter that way. You shouldn’t either.

You must love yourself and realize that you are important and you do matter; amazing and powerful words for your children to live by You and your life are worth it, and that is something you should never forget. The hurtful words by one are nothing compared to the positive shouts of many.