People Might Guess I’m A Mom Because __

Maxly & Mommy

Mean Girls is one of the prime quotable movies. Am I right? It has an entirely new meaning now though that I can quote the infamous Mrs. George, “I’m not like a regular mom I’m a cool mom.” But hey I am a cool mom! If anything having my Maxly has only made me cooler. Despite reciting Regina’s mom from time to time and aside from the ‘Baby Muggle on Board‘ sticker on my SUV or the glimpse through my tinted windows of the baby car shades – there are a handful of ways to tell that I’m a mommy whether I want you to or not. I don’t try to flaunt the fact that I have a daughter, she just happens to be one of my most proudest creations so it’s inevitable. Those who know me obviously know that, but if you don’t know me, people might guess I’m a mom because —

I’m starting to mix up my baby and my dog’s name. We’ve got a case here of Maxly versus Minnie. Obviously I know who is who but the M’s are making my brain into mush. It’s like I’m sometimes saying their names for the first time, that my friends is mommy brain, or at least I’m going to continue to tell myself that. I’ll be in the backyard calling for my chihuahua Minnie and out comes “Maxlyyyyyyyyyyy.” My neighbors must think I’ve gone bonkers. Or that my four month old is running around the backyard in the rain.

My purse is a pharmacy. Which now doubles as a diaper bag or vice versa. Before I was a mom, before I was even pregnant I was always the mom in the friend group. Anyone had an ache, a pain, needed a tissue or band-aid I was there (wo)man. I still have a drugstore in my bag, and posses anything anyone may need but you’ll see me pull out baby supplies before I can get to my bottle of Excedrin to cure your headache. Travel size baby powder, poop bags, baby wipes, baby oil… the list is endless. But I like to be prepared.

I post at least one picture of a baby who is a spitting image of me daily. Most of my social media accounts are flooded with images of my baby girl but especially my Instagram. Sorry not sorry. If people can’t get on board with my baby pictures spam, they’re probably a monster and I don’t need that negativity in my life, real or virtual.

I no longer put myself first. Nowadays I don’t really do things on my own accord. Sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom, kicking my feet back, watching my T.V. shows… the baby rules the roost in this house. I get it now why Mama Bear’s porridge was cold.

I start my sentences with “This morning on Sesame Street“…… Yep. This is my life now.

I’m not afraid to age. When I was younger I shivered at the thought of getting older, it’s scary stuff. So much responsibility. Adulating is hard. Adulating is tiring. But now being a mom aging is something I’m looking forward to in a way. Yes I’m getting older, my appearances will shift but as the years go on I am excited for the adventures of our family with our baby girl. It really is an entire new chapter of my life. Plus my mom is killing the game with this “getting older” thing. She’s 45 and a MILF, yep I said it. And if I didn’t one of my many guy friends would have said it first.. they always do. And if I do ever start to get down on myself about my age I’ll say what my mom always said as I was growing up and especially now that she’s a grandma, “the kids get older but we just stay the same age.”

I have a baby attached to me when I go out in public. Whether it’s in her baby carrier or her stroller, she’s typically my partner in crime. And I don’t mind. Someone to talk to and it’s no hassle loading and unloading her. I have a lightweight carseat/stroller combo, so taking it and setting it up from in and out of my hatchback SUV takes 30 seconds if that. In the beginning I struggled so much clicking it up from the fold down position. But since I essentially take her everywhere with me, I’m a pro. I’m mastering these mommy things!

I have no shame in any or all of these things that pin point me as a mom. Calling my mom is the most endearing terms, especially if it’s not a regular mom but a cool mom.



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