My Baby Will Not Hinder Me

My baby will not hinder me, my baby will join me. Just because I had a baby doesn’t mean she becomes my ball and chain, as some people seem to think. I will leave our sanctuary. I will leave the house. I will go to the beach. I will still travel, and so will she. Don’t forget if we were meant to stay in one place we’d have roots instead of feet. And upon all the teachable moments in life, this will be one of the first that my daughter will learn as young as she can. 


When people have a baby they think their lives are over. Are they serious? A new, fresh and beautiful chapter of your life just began. It’s such a cliche saying but this is when the adventure truly begins. In my families case we just added another co-pilot to our partnership. Another player to our team, a duo that then became a trio, another travel buddy was born!

Granted I have not been on a plane with her yet but even just at her two month mark, we traveled five hours by car to Upstate New York. Even though I was apprehensive, I can’t hold back and I knew that! I can’t stop visiting my family and friends, and I need to continue to introduce traveling into Maxly’s mind, body and soul. The kid is not even four months old and she’s already been to four different states. That’s farther than some people ever go in their whole life. You go girl!

Before I was a mom, I was always gung-ho for anything! Any type of adventure, spontaneous or planned, I found a way to pull it off. Heck I’ve been to Europe twice and traveled to China. I love traveling amongst the East Coast in the US too but I want to see more, specifically the West Coast. Oops is my wanderlust showing? I mean I do have a World Map tattooed on my body.

I want to continue to travel deeper and I want my daughter to see the world with me, with us. I want to teach her to look at other people and the way they live. To comprehend that it’s not “us living our life” / “them living their lives,” it’s that we’re all united amongst different cultures and living and loving in the world as one. There’s so much to do, see, explore, touch – she will be exposed to our Planet Earth and all of it’s lovely humans.

People are always saying the World is so small but I want to show her how large the World really is. To make memories. To teach her compassion and to be grateful for what she has. I think the negative / stress of traveling outweighs all the good that comes from it. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s ok if they’re not eating the healthiest meal, it happens. It’s ok if some naps are missed. What matters is making memories and strengthening your bond as a family. Plus realistically even though children bloom from routine, traveling allows just the opposite, which is unknowingly a good thing. Kids need to learn flexibility so they can be flexible in a world and/or environment that can’t always cater to them. Just because you have kids doesn’t mean life is over. Life is just beginning and life it to the fullest. See and do all of the cool things!